B.C. Rich Warlock Speedload JS Series Reviews 4

I just bought it in a music store in Paris (France), in june. It cost me € 639, wich is more or less worth $700.

above all, the speedload option is a delight, even if strings for it may cost a bit more than regular ones. then i pretty like the "trashy" sound i can get with this guitar. Its 24-fret easy access means that you can play any solo very easily, and the double humbucker designed by B.C. Rich gets a nice sound. The vibrato helps a lot too, as it is not a screwed one. eventually, it has a rad look !

The only problem of this guitar is that, even when using the "clean" channel of my amp (c'mon, you know there is one !), it sounds a bit like in overdrive.

B.C. Rich was said to lose its quality, it is not true. This Warlock speedload has no manufacture flaw, and it is a pleasure to play. A high quality guitar.

Use it for a heavy/hard song, mostly on stage if you have long hair and a lot of overdrive gain. Don't use it for a ballad, and don't try to look romantic with it.

naelin rated this unit 4 on 2004-09-08.

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